It's true. Jehovah's Witnesses have a purely doctrinal relationship with Jesus. They only mention him when they're discussing some doctrinal issue like refuting the trinity, or quoting Jesus' words to support some doctrine.
Outside of doctrine, Jesus isn't real to them. He is not in their hearts. Only Jehovah and the organization is in their hearts. That's why they always speak of provisions made available by the organization as coming from Jehovah and never give Jesus any credit. That's why they call themselves "servants of Jehovah" but never call themselves "servants of Jesus" even though that term is also scriptural since there are multiple NT references to Christians being slaves of Jesus Christ. That's why they speak of "Jehovah's Organization" but never speak of "Jesus' Organization".
For a group professing to be christian, they have a strangely distant relationship with Jesus - even for non-Trinitarians. When one reads the NT one sees the way the writers regularly mentions Jesus in the opening greetings of letters and in doxologies. JWs are nothing like that. They have a peculiarly strange and distant relationship with Jesus.
I believe the reason for this is that they have grown oversensitive in their self-righteous revulsion to the trinity doctrine to the point that they don't even want to give Jesus any legitimate praise or mention him too often for fear that they might be viewed as worshiping him or worst - appear remotely similar to other churches in christendom. They have been over-reached by their own hatred of christendom so that they have deviated to the opposite extreme from the Trinitarians, refusing to give Jesus adequate honor.